Journal: For over 4 years I have journaled one page a day in a simple paper notebook. I like one from Greenroom that I find at Target.
ESV Study Bible: This is my primary hard copy Bible for study and reading.
Our Local Library: Our local library is part of a network of libraries in our state where I can reserve a hard copy of a book online and they will ship it to our town and notify me when it is delivered.
Kindle Paperwhite: I have an older Kindle Paperwhite that is great for travel. I do about half of my reading on this and half with hard copies. The paperwhite is great for reading in bed as it is backlit.
Podcasts: I am an avid consumer of Podcasts. Here are some regulars.
Up First: This 12-14-minute daily podcast is released each weekday morning and gives me a good overview of world and US news.
TBOY: “The Best One Yet” is a fast-paced recap of three business/market stories Monday to Friday.
The Carey Nieuwhof Leadership Podcast: I have a handful of leadership podcasts I enjoy, but Carey's is consistently strong.
Spiritual Friendship: A core value I have worked to cultivate over the past decade is investing in a small circle of close relationships with strong men of God. Chris and Dan are local pastors who have access to my life. We text almost daily and talk weekly.
Early Rising: I wake up at 5 am on most weekdays. This gives me a full hour of quiet before anyone else is up. I have 3 hours each morning before I start work. It is glorious!
Fitness & Exercise: In the fall of 2020, I started doing Orange Theory fitness 4-6 times a week, and it has been a game-changer for my health. This high-intensity circuit training with heart rate “gamification” has dramatically improved my rhythms. In 2024, I passed 800 classes attended.
Regular Days Off: There is nothing heroic about overworking. It is not spiritual. Not guarding time for rest is the opposite of spiritual. I regularly take two days off from my job and at least one from any ministry work.
Vacations on the Calendar: Balance is a unicorn. Instead, we subscribe to the practice of rhythm. There are seasons when we press in hard on ministry and times when we counter with seasons of rest. My wife and I have found having our next "break" on the calendar helpful. Sometimes, that is a free getaway to the city, and other times, it is a family vacation to Maine. Either way, just having it on the calendar is part of our pattern.
Expensify: Open the app and snap a photo of the receipt. If it is a receipt received via email, you forward it to, and it ties it to your account based on the sending email address. I use the free plan.
1Password: For years, I tried to organize my passwords in a spreadsheet. Never again! 1Password syncs and organizes all of my passwords, account numbers, pin numbers, etc., between my phone and desktop. It takes a little time to set it up at first but once you do it is an app you will use every day and wonder how you operated before you did.
Streaks App: I use this simple tracker for my core habits of daily reading Scripture, journaling, and working out 15-20x a month.
Notes App: I have increased my use of the native Notes app on iOS. I have a note for each of my co-workers where I can list any non-urgent items to discuss when we next connect. I have a “Quick Links” note with links to my Zoom room and Podcast recording website.
Steno Pad: While I love apps, I still write a daily to-do list on paper. I find the practice of writing the day's goals down keeps me focused and accomplished when I get things done. Every day, I write 3 top tasks, plus a list of people and a list of projects to work on.
Meeting Free Mornings: I have learned that my most focused and productive hours are until around 1:30 pm. When possible, I plan meetings or calls in the afternoon. If I have a lunch appointment, I try to make it a late lunch as it keeps my mornings free, and most eateries are less busy at 1 or 1:30 pm.
Tidy Workspace: A clean office and desk help me stay on task. I am easily distracted, and piles of paper or stuff distract my mind from what is at hand. I clean my office daily and try to leave the desk clear at the end of the day. I also clean my computer often, meaning I am intentional about file organization and don't use my desktop as a junk drawer.
Music to Focus: As a Spotify subscriber, I love the Deep Focus playlist and Acoustic Concentration. Working from a home office, there are times (usually afternoons once the kids are home) when the house gets noisy. A good playlist keeps me on point.
Project Urgency: As I have coached younger leaders and co-workers, especially in our organization where on a given day you might be working on tasks related to 12-18 months from today, I have started to understand that I force urgency on myself. What I mean is that I identify the mile-markers on a project, like running a conference, that if I don't hit I am behind. This sounds simple but I have learned it is one of my most important tactics so that I am not cramming and working 95 hours the week of an event. Often, event weeks are less stressful than 30-45 days out from a conference because that is when the real work has to be done.
5-15 Reports: This is a weekly check-in for my teams that should take no more than 15 minutes to write and 5 minutes to read. There is a detailed overview via the above link.